Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Be Like A Little Child

This time being home with my Mom and Dad since Amanda and Robin left for Utah has been so much fun. I never knew how popular my Mother was with the primary children. The other day Eliana (spell check) dropped by to give my Mom some cookies she made her and to show off her new purple tootoo that her father just brought back from a trip for her. I know right she's SO cute.

Then today the CUTEST little girl called last night to setup a "playdate" with my Mom. My mother was sure to let everybody know that she had a playdate set up with Becky

When she found out I had a digital camera she told me, "I know you take pishtuwes of me!" she can't say her R's are she's adorable. As soon as the camera was on she was striking poses and flipping her hair. We had a mini-photo shoot in the back of the white Jeep!!!!

She followed me EVERYWHERE. Anything I did, she wanted to do. If I got outta the water to layout, she was right there beside me making her cute little r's into w's as she spoke!

We went to the lake all day today and I got the strangest sunburn on my leg where when spraying all the kids down with sunscreen the places it didn't land on them, landed on my leg, left me with a STRANGE sunburn line. Of course there were more babies there too. A family friend, Julie just had twin girls that I saw for the 1st time today and holy smokes they were cute!!!!

I was so excited because my bestfriend in the world, Bonnie showed up at the lake too. Bonnie just got her mission call to.......... Provo Mission. Ahahahaha. Poor Bonnie, she was sad at first but she was pretty excited when she found it's the St. George Visitor Center mission that covers 150+ stakes. It goes into Colorado, Nevada and Arizona so now she is really excited. So if you see the CUTEST missionary ever in your area down there, that is my bestfriend BonBon!!!

I love being home also because I think it's hilarious and also pretty amazing to see how great of condition my Daddy keeps the yard. If a weed survives 2 whole days in our yard, I applaud it's strength but know that it would have only survived 1 day if it hadn't appeared on a Sunday when my Dad takes a break from the yard...

Seriously can my Dad become more OCD than this, I love it!!!

I think it's so cute, maybe a little vomit-acious how cute my parents have become. I think my Mom will celebrate if my Dad ever gets a job where he leaves the house, and my Dad will call home 60x's a day just to see what my Mom is doing and if she misses him...

Being home is so much fun and I don't want it to end so I'm gonna enjoy all the time I can while I'm here!

I'm so excited my little shadow/new bestfriend Becky will be here tomorrow to celebrate the 4th of July with us!!!!


Anonymous said...

Just an FYI...your DAd has ALWYAYS been OCD with the yard and everything. (You've heard the "painting the barn 3X story" I'm sure!) His Tonka trucks were always lined up in perfect symmetrical kidding. If you get tired of him send him to yard is OK but doesn't look quite that Good!

Uncle PHil

Carrie said...

You look like you've been having fun!! I wish I could play too! I think it's so awesome how the primary kids set up play dates with your mom! Carson and Parker would love to play too. Carson would teach you guys all about robots and Parker would quote lines from the movie "Cars". Then you could do some experiments together and jump on the tramp. Perfect day had by all!!

BTW I haven't heard the "painting the barn 3X story" Do tell!

Anonymous said...'s the barn seems the old white barn on the Quincy dairy farm needed a coat of paint. DAurell painted it but wasn't quite pleased with the results so he had Dad pick up more paint and did it over. (at least part of it over). That wasn't quite up to standard so I think it got done a third time . By this time Grandpa Bell was not happy with the $$ money going out on this little project so I think he called a truce on the painting..
