Saturday, October 24, 2009

What I've Been Up Too....

So I know it's been a just has felt like, since everybody has Facebook now the blog is a little lower on my list of things to do...

As usual my life consists of school, exams and class readings. I started off the semester to a rocky start for some reason. I did not do very well on exams, which is very unusual for me! But have no fear... I recovered:

I made up for it on my Sociology of Gender midterm...

And my 12pg paper News Research paper for my Criminology class:

I also got a little baby kitten.... she is growing so freaking fast and I asked my roommate who is a vet assistant if she could please look into finding some kind of pill to stunt her growth so that she will stop growing. I named her GussGuss (like the little mouse for Cinderella) and YES I am fully aware that GussGuss is boys name but it suits her PERFECTLY. She is INSANE. Literally. As I type this she is attacking imaginary spots on my bed. However, when I pop in an episode of Glimore Girls, she stops everything and watches:

And then finally... Taya (friend who lives upstairs) heard about this salon to get your haircut at and how great it is and how she SWEARS by this salon. SOoo we go in... I told the lady that I wanted side bangs and TONS of layers. TWO HOURS LATER... !!!TWO!!! I look no different except for the side bangs. I'm pretty sure she took "Tons of layers" as "Wash my hair and don't do anything else." Unbelievable

Alrighty kids thats the latest and greatest.

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