Monday, February 11, 2008

Some days...

Ever feel like you're the little girl in this picture some days?????

I have pushed, kicked and screamed... but Saturday night, I stopped all of my nonsense and admitted to myself and to my Mom & Dad that contrary to my popular belief... I can't do it all by myself!

Funny thing, my parents said "Gee we've been waiting for this phone call." Oh I sure do hate it when they know best, ALL THE TIME.

I realized, I can't work 52 hours a week and go to school with amount of credits I'm taking and work, and sleep only 14 hours a week. I am so empty spiritually that something has gotta give. After crying a lot because I was so exhausted and finally sleeping for what felt like 900,000 hours... I am starting to feel the effects of... HAPPINESS! I'm in the process of trying to figure out how to cut out my amount of hours and such.

After William and I broke up everybody said, "Just stay busy!" Well... I took that as an understatement! I realized this weekend, I am DYING! I need scripture study time, I need time to actually sleep... and NOT just 2 hours every night. My body was struggling and I keep getting sick.

When I saw that picture today, I went
"Oh boy does that sum it up or what of how I feel right now!"

But don't worry, old habits die hard... I'll still be holding on strong to my phrase that I've said since I was little...


Soon... I'm gonna feel like this puppy, total relaxation

1 comment:

Carl and Pat said...

Great blog--great insight--good advice--great painting. Now that you have lots of time on your hands (!), when do we get to see you again?