I know that I have been kinda of lacking in substance here in the blogger world. Please do forgive me. The semester started with a bang and I've been SO incredibly busy. I go straight from classes to work, study on my breaks in the break room at work and such and then get off work to come home do some homework and get around 4 hours of shut eye. It's been plenty fun.
I just had to take a moment to tell you something that I experienced this weekend. I really don't want to get into the details of it all but I had a major event happen this weekend that made me re-evaluate everything in my life. This weekend I was humbled to my core. I just wanted to take a moment to express how thankful I am for my family. My parents, I sure have put them through the ringer going up, but this weekend, my Mom was there when I needed her the most. She was in Utah this weekend and was there to help me through the hardest time that I have ever experienced in my life. I never realized how fabulous and how wonderful and loving that they are. I am so quick to notice when my Mom is nagging... well I THINK she's nagging but when I stop defending myself I realize she's just trying to help out and she's not nagging, she's giving me the most precious advice, the most sincere and honest advice. I realized this weekend, that if I would just shut my mouth sometimes and just LISTEN to her, I would learn so much and I would bring myself a LOT less heartache.
I just am so thankful now for the small things in my life like a college bed that I used to think was so uncomfortable, to get a drink of water any time I want...
My heart is so full right now, of thanks. I am so thankful for everything that I have in my life. There are times in our lives when something happens or our faith is tested to the very last ounce that is in us. When are tried beyond our imagination, and it is those times that we grow immensely. This weekend, there were times I wanted to give up but that last ounce of faith and courage that was in me, helped me through the hardest hours.
I want you all to know how thankful I am for the love from every single one of you. For Aunt Pat, without even questioning anything to open her door to me Thanksgiving Day. To my mother for being there in my darkest hour of need. To my Dad for never flinching when I ask for help, no matter how horrible I have been to him. I have a bad habit, that ruined my relationship with William, and that is taking my anger out on the people closest to me. I want you all to know how how amazing my father is. He is the strongest man I know. He is SO un-selfish and I can be so horrible and mean to him and say hurtful things to him and he will always tell me he loves me and that I am his girl with the million-dollar smile. He is the man that when you are so heartbroken, will sit and listen to you cry on the phone for as long as you need. He is the one that when you start complaining about life and how annoying people can be, will tell you to just stop talking and remind how much better you are than them. I have learned so much from my father when it comes to getting back up after taking a big blow. Seeing my Dad work so hard after everything with the banks and his jobs... my Dad is my hero. He is INCREDIBLE. In the hardest moments of his life, he just keeps going... when he could be laying in bed depressed he's out there re-planting his trees and mowing the lawn. My Dad has taught me to TRULY appreciate life.
I just want you all to know how appreciative I am for everything in my life.
I'm sorry this was long but I needed to express how I felt to everybody.
9 years ago
Amelia...yeah, you have a pretty amazing Dad (and Mom). Your Dad has always been a very hard working, non-judgemental kind and considerate person. You are lucky to have him as a Father. And yes, it is humbling at times to have to listen to fatherly advice when all you really want to do is say "WHATEVER!!" and then later realize later what great advice that was! It's this parent thing we all do...because we love you.
Great blog....almost made me cry.
Uncle Phil
Great blog, Amelia. Sometimes it takes a long to appreciate parents, we all know that. You are right--you have wonderful parents, and I'm so glad you realize that. I, too, am amazed at how your dad (and mom) keeps plugging along in spite of incredible odds. Keep building them up. We parents need it too! (By the way, our door is always open to you.)
Welcome back! I too cannot live without my parents. It is amazing that I need them even now more than ever. Meybe because now we actually use them, can you imagine how easy our lives would have been had we learned that tidbit right when we turned 10.
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