Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Oh I a WIPED out. I come home and before I can even shut the front door to my apartment I am stripping out of my uniform and am bolting for the shower. The smell... makes DOG sniff me, adults shudder and kids plug their nose when I come around.

For 8 hours today I had to work with Monterey Jack Cheese. If I even see, think about or get a whiff of that cheese I gag. LITERALLY!

Tomorrow is the day we get to buy cheese from the company store! Everything from string cream cheese to Yoplait Yogurt! Apparently you can get a 12lb. block of cheese for .10 cents. Needless to say I will NOT be purchasing any Monterey Jack cheese! However, if any of you in Utah would like some cheese we have:

Eisenstein Bagel Cream Cheese (all flavors)
Philadelphia's Cream Cheese (all flavors)
Drinkable Yogurt from Yoplait
String Cheese
All kinds of shredded and block cheeses

Let me know and every other week I believe it is, those items are on sale!


Curtis and Shandy said...

Lets have a fondue party and you can supply the cheese.

Susan said...

Darren used to stink, too. But think of the great skills you are developing.

Sam said...

I need you to get me some of that drinkable yogurt (is it Nouriche or is that the other brand?), I love that stuff. I'll even drive up there to get it and bring you some frozen pizzas or something. Carson has this book called the Stinky Cheese Man, maybe you've read it...or maybe you're him! We go through cheese like toilet paper so we really need to have you get some and come down for Sunday dinner or something...